What the word Yours meant to me in 2017 (#Oneword wrap-up)

A year ago, I knew that I needed a change of perspective. My circumstances often seemed to loom so largely in my mind that I would forget who I am in Christ. I needed to remember that God is in control and that I belong to Him. So,  for this reason I prayerfully chose the word “Yours” for 2017.

I am an auditory processor, and music speaks to my heart in tangible ways. I believe that God has given me many songs that speak truth to me this year. These songs have grounded me in His love and reminded me that I am His. I would like to share a few of these songs with you, and describe what God is teaching me through each of them.


An important truth that I needed to embrace this year, is that I am not alone. Even on the days that I feel the most alone, I need to trust that God is with me, and that He will never leave me. On these days, I need to cry out to Him. This is a lesson that I am still learning. I am so thankful that I can sing this song and remind myself of truth on hard days.


The lyric in the For King and Country song “I’m desperate for grace.” describes how I have felt much of this year. I am so desperate for God’s grace. I need to remember that He is holding on to me, especially when I feel panicked or overwhelmed. This song has been such a comfort and encouragement to me this year.

“Jesus, I believe. Help my unbelief God. Jesus I believe.”  I needed the word His this year because I far too often get into a pattern of negative thinking. My frailties, failures, and circumstances seem so overwhelming that I feel like I may be fighting the same battles, learning the same lessons indefinitely. I get impatient, and forget that God’s time table may be far different than my own. He is at work, and I need to trust him. I need to keep surrendering to Him, with the simple prayer. “I believe that You are at work. Help my unbelief.” This is what the word Yours meant to me in 2017. I will be back in a couple of days to talk about my #oneword for 2018. Until then, I hope that each of you that read this, has a very happy start to the new year.


Kristin Hill Taylor - Porch Stories