What I learned in May (Tuesday at 10 Learn)

I learned that getting birthday gifts in the mail is really fun. Okay, I already knew this, but my Mom and Dad, Mother-in-law and Father-in-law, Sister and Brother-in-law, Brother and Sister-in-law, all made the beginning of May really fun for me with sweet cards and gifts in the mail for my birthday.

I also learned that my husband and father-in-law both enjoyed surprising me with treasures from the flea market. It was really sweet of them to think of me (on separate trips), and bring me something that they knew that I would enjoy.

I also learned that my Princess loves me because I am sweet to her. She told me this on Mother’s day during a pass the microphone around time at church. My Cuddle Bug also told everyone that she loves Mommy because she loves Mommy.

I also learned that Looking for Lovely will probably be one of my favorite books of 2016. If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it. It was the perfect three hour car ride read.

I learned that if one of her friends put’s Cuddle Bug’s hair in a ponytail. She will refuse to take it out until the rubber band is falling out of her hair.

I learned that my Little Man really enjoys having friends over to play. He played with friends here at out home, and kept asking when are they going to come over again.

I learned that it is very nice when friends invite you to spend the day with them, when you are having a rough morning and need a change of scenery. My kids had such a lovely time with friends that day.

These are a few things that I learned in the month of May. I am linking up with Tuesday @ 10 and Chatting at the sky.
















Tuesday at 10/Five Minute Friday Expectant Faith Faith

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

This verse immediately came to mind when I read that the Tuesday at 10 prompt this week was the word faith.  This has been a busy week, and I didn’t sit down to write a post about faith as I had planned. On Friday, I learned that the Five minute Friday prompt was expect. I was enjoying a lovely visit with family this weekend, and so here I am on Monday afternoon, and I decided that I want to write about expectant faith. I have recently read the book Looking for Lovely by Annie Downs. One of the themes in this book is expectant faith. It is not just about believing that God could work in a certain circumstance, but actually watching expectantly for His work to take place. I want to have that kind of faith. I want to have the “Yes, God” kind of faith, not the debating with God, questioning God, and telling him that, “I am sure you mean for someone else to do something, not me.” Even though, it is comforting that there are many examples in the Bible of people who were unsure when God spoke to them, and God still used them in amazing ways. I still would like to not have to circle around the same proverbial mountains due to my lack of faith. My favorite example of expectant faith is Mary’s answer to the angel Gabriel  “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:38


This is my weekly contributions to the five minute Friday and Tuesday at 10 link-ups. You can learn more about Five Minute Friday here  and Tuesday at 10 here.










Five Minute Friday Grow

It is such a blessing to watch my children grow. I have the opportunity to watch them grow and change daily. The things that they say and do bring me so much laughter, joy, and proud mom moments. I love that my oldest daughter loves to ask questions, and a lot of times, she says the first thing that comes to mind, which leads to a lot of funny and witty responses. She really gets me laughing and keeps me on my toes. I love that my son is my hugger. He loves giving Mama hugs. He is also very helpful, and encourages his sisters to help me as well. He is an imaginative story teller, and very creative with naming his toys or mega block creations. My little Cuddle Bug loves to sing. Some of the songs she makes up and sings to herself. * Other times she will sing nursery rhymes or other children’s songs. She also will sit and color in a coloring book all day if you let her. It is such a privilege to watch them grow. They remind me to bloom where I am planted and seek opportunities to grow as a child of God, a wife, and a mother right along with them.

*The place where my five minutes was up

This post is a part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. My friends and I gather over at Kate’s blog Heading Home to write for five minutes on the topic of the wee

Multitude Monday 1000 gifts Birthday and Mothers Day edition

This has been such a fun week that I have spent with my family. I celebrated my birthday in the middle of last week, and I had a lovely Mother’s day weekend. I am so blessed with friends and family who really spoiled me this week.

We ordered homeschool workbooks for next year. Is it totally nerdy that I as a homeschool Mom get excited about new workbooks? My kids roll their eyes at me about this.

We enjoyed a fun pizza party with yummy German Chocolate cake for my birthday. My kids enjoyed playing volleyball and catch with balloons that evening also.

I was spoiled with wonderful birthday gifts including birthday roses from my husband. Thank you so much honey!

My mother and father in-love visited us for an early Mother’s day celebration on Saturday. We ate yummy Chinese food,  and my kids loved playing with their grandma and grandpa.

The worship service on Sunday morning was beautiful. They had a pass the mic time during the service and my oldest daughter said that she loved me because I was sweet to her. My youngest daughter said, “I love mommy because I love mommy.” My son gave me big Mother’s day hugs and told me Happy Mothers day!

My youngest Cuddle Bug made me a picture frame for Mothers day, and my two oldest Princess and Little Man made me a hand painted flower pot with paper flowers and an artificial flower arrangement in Sunday school.

We enjoyed our favorite pizza, subs, and salad at Princess’ favorite restaurant in honor of Mothers day.

I enjoyed playing outside with my children, playing board games with them, and finishing the evening with a game of Mario Party with their Daddy on Mothers day nigh

The song that I am including below was sung at church on Mothers Day.

What are you thankful for this week?









Five Minute Friday Miss

I have children who protest at any mention of bedtime, because they are afraid they are going to miss something. Is Mom and Dad going to sneak into the ice cream without us? Are they going to watch TV or play a fun game without us? What are they going to do with that time between our bedtime and the time that they go to bed? My children are afraid of missing out.

I don’t want to miss out on anything either, but I realize that if I am not careful I may miss out on a lot. I may miss out on laughter, fun, and memories if I get too focused on my to-do list and my schedule of how I think the day should go. I may miss out on important conversations if I dismiss questions or don’t pay careful attention to what my children are really trying to tell me. One day I am going to look back on these days of having young children in my home, and I know that I will miss this. I pray that I show my children how much I treasure them today.

This post is a part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. My friends and I gather over at Kate’s blog Heading Home to write for five minutes on the topic of the week.