What I learned in May (Tuesday at 10 Learn)

I learned that getting birthday gifts in the mail is really fun. Okay, I already knew this, but my Mom and Dad, Mother-in-law and Father-in-law, Sister and Brother-in-law, Brother and Sister-in-law, all made the beginning of May really fun for me with sweet cards and gifts in the mail for my birthday.

I also learned that my husband and father-in-law both enjoyed surprising me with treasures from the flea market. It was really sweet of them to think of me (on separate trips), and bring me something that they knew that I would enjoy.

I also learned that my Princess loves me because I am sweet to her. She told me this on Mother’s day during a pass the microphone around time at church. My Cuddle Bug also told everyone that she loves Mommy because she loves Mommy.

I also learned that Looking for Lovely will probably be one of my favorite books of 2016. If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it. It was the perfect three hour car ride read.

I learned that if one of her friends put’s Cuddle Bug’s hair in a ponytail. She will refuse to take it out until the rubber band is falling out of her hair.

I learned that my Little Man really enjoys having friends over to play. He played with friends here at out home, and kept asking when are they going to come over again.

I learned that it is very nice when friends invite you to spend the day with them, when you are having a rough morning and need a change of scenery. My kids had such a lovely time with friends that day.

These are a few things that I learned in the month of May. I am linking up with Tuesday @ 10 and Chatting at the sky.
















Tuesday @ Ten Time

Time is a commodity that I never seem to have enough of. No matter how much I plan my day I feel like I am constantly running behind schedule. Maybe that is the point, am I trying to live by my schedule or God’s schedule? After all, we each have the same twenty four hours in a day. To quote a Mercy Me song, Am I using my time to build up God’s kingdom or am I too wrapped up in mine? Am I living life with an eternal mindset? Am I loving the people that God has placed in my life well? Or am I more concerned about my own plans and comfort than loving well? I don’t want to look back years from now, and wish that I would have lived my life differently. I want my children to have fond memories of a fully present loving mother. I want my husband to know how much I love and appreciate him, and what a gift it is to live life with him. I want to be a good steward of the time that God has given me each day.

I am linking up over at Finding The Grace Within for the Tuesday at Ten link-up. This week’s phrase was Time.



Tuesday at Ten Choice

Deuteronomy 30 & 19 | Scripture | Pinterest

In any one twenty-four hour period, I make a great number of choices. These choices not only affect me, but also my husband, children and others around me. I can chose to encourage or tear down. I can chose to live fully present and engaged with my family or I can chose to be perennially distracted. I sometimes become discouraged with how much of life is out of my control. I may not be able to control everything that happens to me and those that I love, but I can chose how I am going to respond to the circumstances of life. I want God to use me as a vessel of His love and grace. I want to chose to be a blessing for life.

I am linking up over at Finding The Grace Within for the Tuesday at Ten link-up. This week’s phrase was Choose.