Five Minute Friday Refine

My Princess does not like the editing process. She is in second grade, and does not like it when I ask her to erase a word and spell it correctly, or rewrite a sentence, so that the thought that she is trying to express is more clear. She does not have patience during the revision process. Her attitude about refining her work might make our homeschool days a little more challenging, but I know that patience is not one of my strong suits either. I sometimes feel like I am circling the same mountain in the refining process working through lessons that I should have learned long ago. I am so thankful for the Lord’s patience with me. He teaches me, sometimes revealing the same truth to through multiple methods, so that I will get it. I need to trust Him in the refining process, release my fears and control issues, and let Him work.


Refine is the Five Minute Friday word for the week. Each Friday I gather with a bunch of friends to write for five minutes on the topic of the week. You can learn more about Five Minute Friday here.



Three Word Wednesday You are beloved

I am on a constant lookout in this new year for reminders that I am God’s child, and I belong to Him. I believe that if I really embrace this truth, and live life based on this truth that it could change my outlook on life. Changing my outlook would change my attitude and my actions. Do I really believe that I am beloved by God? Do I rest in His love, or am I looking for other things to fill me up? I want to remember that God loves me, and run to Him in every circumstance. I have been reading in 1 Samuel and the communion that God had with Samuel and later David is incredible. Samuel sought after God, and did exactly what He said. I want to seek God first, and trust God completely with my life. So, no matter what is happening in your life today, please remember you are beloved!

Multitude Monday Martin Luther King Jr. day edition

I saw the below quote today, and I thought about what powerful statement this is. Doing what is right may not be easy, but I want to live my life remembering that I belong to God. I was bought with a price and I want to live a life of worship living out the truth’s of the gospel.  I want to live my life looking for the next right thing that I can do to serve others, and as an act of worship to my creator. Do you have a favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote?

Now, on to the list of blessings that  I am thankful for this week.

I an enjoying reading new books that came in the mail this week. I love fun mail. One of them is really causing me to think about how I parent, and what kind of mom that I want to be.

We had a yummy lunch of pizza and pasta on Sunday.

I love singing For King and Country’s Priceless with my Cuddle Bug. It is one of her favorite songs.

I enjoyed spending the day at the church with my friend. Her son and a few of her grandkids were there, and my kids enjoyed playing with their friends.

My children loved being surprised with just because gifts from a friend. My girls were given rubber bands and hair clips. My Little Man was given matchbox cars.

I had a nice talk with my mother-in-love yesterday. I love our phone conversations.

My Princess has now started enjoying certain aspects of pet care. She likes feeding our cat Snuggles, and Snuggles enjoys that she doesn’t have to wait for me to feed her. 🙂

What are you thankful for this week?

Martin Luther King Jr Quotes - Yahoo Image Search Results:

Five Minute Friday Middle

I am going to let you in on a little secret. I sometimes flip ahead in the pages of the story, because I am so curious about how the conflict in a story will resolve that I want to know that everything will work out right this instant. I always go back and read the middle of the story, but I do so with the knowledge that it will all work out in the end. I am not always good about treasuring the middle of the journey, whether it be the middle of a long car ride, or waiting in the middle of a line. I told a friend that I feel like in this season of my life, I have planted seeds, and I have watered the seeds, and now I am watching the ground waiting for the first signs of growth. There is joy in the middle of the story, and I want to make sure that I am treasuring every minute of it.


This is my thoughts concerning the word middle.  Every week we gather for five minutes of free writing fun. You can learn more details about Five Minute Friday at


Three Word Wednesday Who am I?

If you asked me to tell you about myself, I would probably tell you that I am a wife, and stay-at-home Mom to three great kiddos. I might tell you that I love Jesus, that I have been married to my college sweetheart for almost eleven years, that  I homeschool my children, or that I am a “people person.” Something I struggle with is that far too often I want people in my life to know me and understand me, and I forget that I am fully known and loved by my Creator. Being know and fully understood by my Creator is more than enough. His grace is enough for me. He is the One that I need to be walking this journey of life with, and I should be less worried about the opinion of others. I can stop chasing after the approval of others, and instead focus on loving God and loving others, as God has created me to do. My word for the year is Yours ,and I want to remember that I belong to God, as does my family, my friends, and all those that cross my path on a daily basis. He is my peace, my security, and my identity. I can trust Him fully and completely. I need to remember this every day. Who am I? I am Yours Lord!


Multitude Monday 1000 gifts the second Monday of January edition

I listened to a very thought provoking sermon at church on Sunday. It reminded me that the very things that I struggle with; that I wish were different; could be my own “Such a time as this.” to quote Esther 4. God knows my circumstances and struggles, He has purpose and plan for my life. I need to surrender to Him, let Him lead and work, and stop complaining. 🙂 To that end, I will share some of the many things that I have to be thankful for this week.

  • I love playing games with my kids. I have played Five Crowns with my children when it is Princess’ time to pick. While my younger two children enjoy play the My Little Pony game when it is their turn to select a game.


  • We had a yummy lunch at an Irish-themed restaurant, and it reminded me of a dear friend because I went to lunch with her and another friend at this restaurant last year.


  • A friend treated my kids to ice cream on Thursday. They loved it!


  • I had a nice long talk with my brother this weekend. He is pretty busy with school, so I enjoy our phone conversations.


  • I have friends who speak truth into my life.


  • My children loved playing on the playground after church, and I loved catching up with the other moms as we watched our kids play.


  • I had a great talk with my sister. I love that I can call her with specific questions, and she encourages me so much.


  • My kids loved playing in our first real snowfall of the year. My Princess especially loves snow.


  • I enjoyed seeing a friend while we were grocery shopping yesterday.


What are some of the things that you are thankful for this week?






Five Minute Friday Connect

I have had the opportunity to connect with a friend today that I have not seen in about a month. She called and asked if my children and I would like to accompany her on an errand and then to get some ice cream. My eldest daughter who is probably more extroverted than I am, (and I am pretty strong extrovert) was really excited to have a fun day out of the house. She was even more excited when she found out about the ice cream. Actually, all three of my children were happy about the opportunity to spend a few hours with our friend. Today reminds me of how important it is to take time to connect with my children. I want be a mom that says yes to fun, more than I say no. I confess I far too often say no if I do not think the fun activity is convenient, or doesn’t fit into my schedule that day. I want to prioritize time to have fun with my children because they will only be little for a short amount of time. As another friend reminded me, I want to hold them tight, and not miss a single hug, or bedtime story, or dance party in the living room. Times up 🙂


This post is a part of the Five Minute Friday link-up. If you would like to learn more about Five Minute Friday, check out more information about this community of writers here.

1000 gifts First week of January edition

Psalm 47: 5-7

God has gone up with a shout,
    the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.
Sing praises to God, sing praises!
    Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
For God is the King of all the earth;
    sing praises with a psalm

I hope that each of you is having a lovely start to January. One of the ways that I want to remember that I belong to God is by taking time each week to list blessings big and small.   (Yours is my #oneword for 2017.) I know that from experience whatever you focus on grows, and I want to grow a spirit of gratitude by practicing thankfulness daily. So listed below are a few things that I am thankful for this week.

I enjoyed a nice talk with my brother over the weekend. We don’t live close to family, so I love calling and catching up with family on holidays.

My kids liked the cute and fun Netflix news years countdowns with characters from their favorite shows like Puffin Rock.

We enjoyed a fun and relaxing New Years Eve and New Years Day playing games together as a family.

My family enjoyed a yummy lunch at one of our favorite restaurants yesterday.

The sermon on New Years Day gave me a kick in the pants in a good way, and much to consider and pray about.

I loved talking to one of my best friends on her birthday this week.

My children loved watching the rose bowl parade. The kids especially loved seeing all the roses on the floats.

What are you thankful for this week?





One Word wrap up for 2016 and my one word for 2017

At the end of 2015, I picked the word abundant for my word for 2016. I needed to remember that God’s grace is enough for me even on the long, hard days. I far too often feel like I am running on fumes, and I do this because I am worrying too much and praying too little. John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  I need to remind myself from truth from God’s word, and I tried to be more intentional about remembering that Jesus is the way the truth and the life this year. I need to run to Him anytime that I am feeling discouraged or defeated.

The past few weeks, as I have been thinking about what my word for 2017 will be, I have always came back to the lyrics of the song “Tell Me” by Carrolton. I need constant reminder that I belong to God.  I love the truths expressed in the chorus of this song.

“Tell me I am loved
Tell me I am known
That You died for me
I am not alone
Tell me I’m Your child
The one Your heart beats for
I can find my strength
Knowing I am Yours
You’ve always known what my heart needs
And You tell me”

I far too often forget that God is in control. I can trust Him. He loves me more than I can comprehend. I don’t have to worry about being known. He knows me completely. He has promised to never leave me. I am His child, and He is a good, good Father. He knows what my heart needs. He is my refuge and strength. So, my word for 2017 is Yours because I want to remember that I belong to God, and I can find my rest and peace in Him.

Do you have a word for 2017? I would love to read it in the comments.