Five Minute Friday Inspire

The last two weeks, I have enjoyed a wonderful “staycation” with my family. My parents spent almost two weeks visiting my family. This is the first time that my Dad has been to New Mexico. My friend observed, that I was so happy that my parents were here. She said that I looked like I felt lighter. I did feel like my parents visit was a burst of sunshine that positively impacted my children and me. My parents inspire me with the unconditional love that they have shown me all of my life. It is so sweet to watch them share that same unconditional love with each of their grandchildren. Each of my children had the opportunity to go grab a bite to eat, and pick out a special toy with their Grandpa. I am so thankful that for the love and encouragement that my parents show me every day, and the time that we have spent together in the last couple of weeks.



Five Minute Friday Play

I have an eight year old daughter, and a son who will be six and a daughter who will be five by the end of the summer.  I hear the words “Let’s pretend that . . . . . ” often in my home. I admit that I am not always joyful when I hear those words. Sometimes it is not convenient to make an indoor beach in the living room, or for my children to pretend that they are at a royal ball. I might not think that it is a good time for my son to pretend to be a ninja or for my children to set up a circus in the living room. Even though, my mother-in-law jokes with me that my life as a homeschool mom to my children could be compared to a three ring circus. 🙂 When I get frustrated that I am stepping over pillows and blankets that are in the walk way again, I need to remember that these days of playing in the living room are short. Sooner than I think, my children will out grow these days of active imaginative play. I need to enjoy being a customer at my son’s make-believe restaurant while I can. Every once in a while I need to push aside my agenda and enjoy playing with my children. The old cliché is true. “The days are long, but the years are short.”

