Five Minute Friday Define

John 13:35

35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Who am I? What do I want to be known for? What would I want my legacy to be? John 13:35 states that people will know that I am Jesus girl by my love. It is not stated that people will know that I am a disciple by my trying to make everyone happy, or by pretending to be okay when I am not it. It says that people will know that I am follower of Christ by my love. For me to show this kind of love, I need God’s love to take me over. I need to live knowing how depth of God’s love to me. I need to be preaching the gospel to myself daily, and asking God to help me live it out. I need to make sure that I am feasting on truths from God’s word and really letting His word get into my mind and heart, so that I can recognize what is truth and what is lie, and choose to be defined by God’s truth. My word for 2017 is Yours, and I want to remember that I belong to God. God is in control, and I need to trust in His plan. Times up 🙂


These have been my thoughts on the Five Minute Friday prompt Define. You can learn more about this wonderful community by checking out Kate’s blog at

Walking in light

Ephesians 5:8-10

Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.

I am studying Ephesians with the ladies at my church. Ephesians 5 is causing me to think about my motives, Do I really want to be in the light or would I rather be doing whatever I thinks is best? Do I do what is right in my own eyes or what is right in God’s eyes? I know that unfortunately that I often walk in the path of what is most convenient and comfortable, instead of walking in the light.  I want to focus on what is good, right, and true. I want this to be the filter through which I view life. Is what I am viewing, reading, listening to, thinking, and speaking good, right and true? If it is not, I need to confess my sin, and reevaluate my choices. I think if I  really put this into practice by the power of the Holy Spirit, then I would feel like I did not waste so much time on meaningless things daily. Am I the only who goes down too many rabbit trails on any given day? I need to pray for wisdom and actively seek wisdom from God’s word. I want to remember how precious time truly is.

Father, Help me to walk in the light today. Help me to seek after wisdom and what is good, right, and true, In Jesus name, Amen

Image result for Walk in light and love

Coffee and Conversation button

Multitude Monday Chocolate and Coffee edition

My kids loved the chocolate at the chocolate and coffee festival in our town. My husband and I enjoyed the coffee. My Princess had such a great time that she is already asking about attending next year.  I am also thankful for my church family, and that my kids had fun playing with their friends after church.

I am thankful for the blessing of friendship, and that God has put people who love my children and me well in our lives.

I am thankful for new books. Curling up with a good book is definitely one of my love languages.

I am thankful for beautiful spring weather. We ate our lunch outside yesterday. I really enjoy the opportunity to eat outside.

I am thankful that my children pick me bouquets of wildflowers.

I am thankful for my children’s curiosity, creativity, and their imaginative spirits. They bring me so much joy!

What are you thankful for today?


Five Minute Friday Embrace

Luke 10

41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are getting worried and upset about too many things. 42 Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will never be taken away from her.”

Am I worried and upset about too many things? I know I can get in this worried, anxious mindset sometimes. I start seeing the problems and the messes, and I forget about how truly blessed that I am. I forget that the messes I clean up daily are because my dreams have come true. I always wanted to be a mom, and I am a mom of three enthusiastic, creative children. The house is never quiet unless they are sleeping because of their energy and joy. I want to embrace this season of motherhood. I want to embrace them more and give them great big hugs, and yell less. I want to stop being so worried about many things, and sit at Jesus’ feet as Mary did so that I can teach this lesson of sitting at His feet to my children. I want to be a fun mom, not a grumpy mom all the time. I pray that I remember today is a gift, and treat it as such.


Each week I gather with my friends over at Kate’s place for five minutes of free writing. These are my thoughts on the word embrace. If you are interested, go over to Kate’s blog and join this fun and encouraging community.

Five Minute Friday Friend

“What a friend we have in Jesus!” There was a season in high school that I was far too concerned about what other people thought of me, and longed for genuine true friends. The desire for friendship was not wrong, but the twisting myself into a pretzel hoping that that if I acted a certain way I would have friends was wrong. One day a pastor told me that I always had one friend that I could count on- Jesus! It changed my perspective. I did not to pretend to be someone that I was not to have friends. God created me, and I could be who he created me to be without fear. I am so thankful for my friends. Last Wednesday was a long day, but I did not feel lonely because I received encouraging messages and phone calls from friends and family. I have friends that love me enough to speak life and truth to me even when it is hard. I want to be a truth-speaker and an encourager to the people that God places in my life as well. How can you speak life today?



This is my thoughts on the Five Minute Friday prompt Friend. For more details about this wonderful community head over to Kate’s blog






Multitude Monday Moose and other motherhood funnies edition

Some weeks, I don’t know what exactly I am going to write when I sit down to compose my gratitude post for the week. I do know that each time that I sit down, and write out the gifts that I am thankful for that week, that I leave this place feeling refreshed. I think this is somewhat similar to Sabbath rest, that God commands us to be thankful, and God commands us to rest, because he knows that it is good for us.  So, without further ado, here are some things that I am thankful for this week.

My family had a lovely weekend, visiting my mother and father-in-law.

I am thankful that my Mother-in-law always sends me home with enough leftovers that I can heat up for dinner that night. It is so nice to not have to worry about dinner when we get back home from my in-laws house.

I am thankful for new dining room chairs. Our old ones were getting really worn out.

I am thankful for friends and family who love my kiddos and me.

I am thankful that I heard a funny conversation between my five year old son and my mother-in-law. She told my son that she was going to put mousse in his hair. He literally started looking around for an animal moose. He had obviously never heard hair mousse referenced before. 🙂

We were out of town on Sunday. I am thankful that I can listen to my church’s sermons online.

I am thankful for reminders to preach the gospel to myself everyday, and teach it to my children.

I am thankful for some changes that we made to our homeschool room that make the school day easier.

So, what are you thankful for this week?


Five Minute Friday Abandon

Deuteronomy 31:6

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

I was surprised that I have stared at the blinking cursor for a couple minutes trying to sort out my thoughts as  I write this post. I am so thankful for God’s promise that He will never abandon me. This is a promise I need to remind myself daily, and on some days even hourly. I feel overwhelmed by the hurt and brokenness in this fallen world. I need to fix my eyes on Him, and stop focusing so much on my circumstances. I need to remember that that even when circumstances feel out of control, that God is still very much in control.  I can trust that God is good all the time. His love endures forever. God’s grace is enough for me.  Nothing is impossible with God.  I need to cling to these truths on the hard days.



Five Minute Friday


Three Word Wednesday If We’re honest


The song If We’re Honest has really impacted me this week. I am the type of person that wants to pretend that everything is going great, all the time, even when it’s not. After all, if I say that everything is fine, than it will be fine, right? Nope, this is not always the case. I also do not want to burden someone with my problems. Especially since so many of the problems that I have are of the “first-world” variety. It is true, that I don’t want to be a burden, or is it pride, that I want to pretend that I have it all together that keeps me from being honest with others? I am amazed at the love that has been shown to me within the body of Christ. Sisters in Christ who are going through much tougher circumstances than my own are praying for me. I love how we can pray for each other and encourage each other. God created an opportunity for me to be honest with friends and loved ones this week. I was afraid of condemnation, but instead I received love and support. This love and support is fueling my desire to embrace honesty in all areas of my life.  Thank you God that when You bring us into relationship with you that you give us a family (one body many members) to love and do life with.




Kristin Hill Taylor - 3 Word Wednesday












Five Minute Friday Purpose

Daniel 1:8

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Be more intentional. This is one of my goals every year, and it is one that I seem to lose focus of in the midst of everyday life. I notice how Daniel in the verse above was intentional. He did not wait until the king’s meat was in front of him to decide whether or not he was going to eat it. He decided beforehand. I need to do that. I need to make intentional decisions about how I will use my time, how I will love and care for my family, and just generally how I will live my life. I think if I had a better plan for my days. I wouldn’t feel like I spent my days feeling like I had wandered down to many rabbit trails. I want to spend my days loving God and loving others. I think if I do this everything else will fall into place. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you..” Matthew 6:33


This is my thoughts concerning the Five Minute Friday prompt purpose. You can find out more about this awesome community of writers at