Five Minute Friday Lift

Sometimes I really need a change of perspective to lift my spirit. I get discouraged and forget that I need to be constantly on the lookout for the good in every situation. I am thankful that God gave me my children. Their funny antics never cease to bring a smile to my face. I also love how God will use the beauty of a bunny or bird or some other animal that I see in my yard to encourage me. I am blessed to have people in my life that bring a smile to my face and laughter to my heart on my down days. I hope that I am able to encourage others when they need a a little lift. I am especially thankful for the wonderful privilege given to us by Jesus to lift our prayers and concerns to the very Throne Room of God. Another habit that helps me focus on the good is counting gifts. Here are a few of the things that I am thankful for this week.*

  • A wonderful visit with my best friend whom I will miss when she goes back home in a couple of days.
  • My bestie surprised my husband and I by buying our family dinner on Sunday afternoon.
  • We also enjoyed yummy Mocha lattes.
  • My children loved their surrogate Auntie who they met in person for the first while she was on this trip.
  • Our family enjoyed the New Mexico History museum. The Princess enjoyed looking at the covered wagon and stagecoach exhibits.
  • The song Cornerstone by Hillsong is so encouraging and inspiring to me. I was really encouraged by the worship service at church this week.
  • I was able to talk to my Granny on the phone today.

What are you thankful for this week?

Five Minute Friday is a community that gathers to write on a prompt for five minutes. This week’s prompt was lift. You can learn more about Five Minute Friday here.


*This was the point where my five minutes ended.


Tuesday at 10 Love A tribute to Linus

Today, I want to tell the story of a very special cat, my Linus. My husband discovered him at the local animal shelter nearly two years ago. He was playful and caught my husband’s attention. Later that weekend, we noticed that his picture was in the newspaper. (The animal shelter had run a full page ad, showing pictures of some of the cats who had been at the shelter the longest.) After seeing his picture, I told my husband that I agreed that we should adopt Linus. We picked him up a few days later.

When my husband let him out of the cat carrier on the Saturday that we brought him home. Linus walked up to me, and when I petted proceeded to crawl in my lap giving me appreciative kitty head rubs and kisses. He then followed me around, a habit that he soon developed with the whole family. Linus wanted to be near the rest of his family. So he would always go where the action was and lay down close to us and watch whatever activity was occurring. My children included him in their play, and he enjoyed being included and liked being the center of their attention.

Linus was  a very loving cat. From the moment that we opened the cat carrier when we brought him home he loved our family. He has a special place in each of our hearts. We miss his love and companionship as we had to say goodbye to him this weekend.  We are thankful for Linus’ love, and we are blessed that he was a part of our family.

This  weeks Tuesday at 10 Prompt word is love. To see what Tuesday at 10 is all about hop over to



