Five Minute Friday Guide

I am so thankful for guidance in my life. A most recent example is that my Dad and a dear friend both made an observation about something that I needed to focus on more in my life. After my Dad pretty much said the same thing that my friend said without even knowing that my friend had said anything, I knew that I needed to prayerfully make a change. This isn’t the first time that something like this has happened. I remember weeks where God kept bringing a particular scripture to mind, through Bible study, hearing it talked about on Christian radio, and reading a friend’s blog post about it. In those cases, I pray, “Yes, Lord you got my attention, and I am listening.” I sometimes feel like God has to teach me the same lessons over and over. Like the Ancient Israelites, I don’t always get it the first time, and I sometimes I think I am circling the same mountain over and over again. I am so thankful that God does not give up on me, and I am thankful for His guidance and that He uses his word, and His people to speak truth in my life.



Five Minute Friday Speak

For those of you who do not know me, I am a talker. I love connecting with others and sharing stories. Most days, I love that my house is hardly ever quiet, as I homeschool my three young children who are with me all of the time. But there is a danger of being a talkative person who is fully immersed in an environment of noisy, creative children. I sometimes forget to slow down and listen for the gentle whisper of God. If I am constantly tuned into the noise of life, I may miss the call of His voice. Sometimes my own desire to speak is a distraction from listening  May I remember to pause and listen to His word speak to me today.



Five Minute Friday Place

I have always searched for a place where I belong. I think many people are searching for a place where they are known, and loved imperfections and all. Of course now that I am an adult I can truly appreciate all the Thanksgivings, Christmases, and random Saturdays that my family gathered around my mother’s kitchen table. With my brother sister and their spouses, and all the grandkids, my mom needed to put in the extra leaf of the table when all her kids and grandkids were home. I wish I realized as a child and teen how much I would treasure the memories of those celebrations now that I am an adult. I want to give my children those same kind of memories. As they grow older I want our home to be the place that they gather, where they know that they are loved for who they are. I also want to share God’s love, with them, so that they know that God loves them and is by their side wherever they go.

And, now just for fun because when I heard the word place I thought of this song. 

place to land

Five Minute Friday Don’t be afraid to try

I have been encouraged this week by a simple exercise. My pastor last Sunday asked our church to share our stories of what Jesus did for them in a 100 words. Through this, I learned a couple of things. First, writing the answer to this question, and keeping it one hundred words was hard. Secondly, this exercise reminded of my “why”- the reason that I do what I do everyday. I sometimes feel like I am getting stuck in a rut. It is easy to do with routines. Most weekdays, look very similar to the day before, and it easy to fall into a pattern of doing what you did yesterday. I am not even saying that having that routine is bad thing, because routines can be helpful. I do want to be willing to shake things up a little bit when needed. I never want to be afraid to try new things. I want to feel free to experiment, make messes, make new discoveries, really fully live. I don’t want to live my life being afraid to try.


Book Launch Gospel Centered Mom

I’m so excited to be a part of Brooke McGlothlin’s Gospel Centered Mom book tour! This post was inspired by the book Gospel Centered Mom.


“You don’t need to be enough because Jesus was and is, and will always be enough. You can just be you, and let Jesus be the rest.” -Brooke McGlothlin

For the past eight years, I have struggled with feelings of not being enough for my children. The feelings intensified six years ago after becoming a mother of two and then a year later a mother of three children. It always seems that there is not enough of me to go around. My children need me to be present, attentive, and loving, and most days I feel like I am woefully unequipped for the task of motherhood. Through the book Gospel Centered Mom, I have realized that I can lay down the burden of being enough. Jesus is enough. His grace is enough for me, and His grace is enough for my children. This truth brings about so much freedom, when I chose to embrace it, and live it out. I am not, and was never supposed to be enough for my children. As  John 3:30 states, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

In Gospel Centered Mom, Brooke reminds her readers that by taking God at his word, every day can be an opportunity to grow deeper in love with Him. I need this truth so much. Every day is not about getting homeschool done, or laundry finished, or making it to bed time. It is about growing deeper in love with my Savior. When I am focused on my circumstances, I wonder if God is with me on my messy, hard days. I need to remember that God can use my hard, messy days to glorify Him, if I fix my eyes on Him. In the last chapter, Brooke reminds us that we need to, “Be diligent. Pray hard. Study God’s word, and let it bring you life.” I wonder how many times, do I look for an easier way to walk this motherhood journey.  There is no easy way to be a Gospel Centered Mom. Brooke states, “The best way we can be the mom our kids really need is to focus our attention on following hard after Jesus.”

I would recommend Gospel Centered Mom to any mom who needs to be reminded of her purpose. According to the Westminster Catechism, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” As a mom, I want that to be my goal also, and in Gospel Centered Mom, Brooke shares scripture and encouragement that reminds moms to keep their focus on God, even on the hardest days of motherhood. I am so thankful that I do have to be enough for my children, and that God’s grace is enough for my children and me. It is so amazing to realize that He can use my flaws and failures to bring Him glory as I live my life surrendered to Him.


“As you learn to anchor your life in the Gospel, you’ll find increased freedom, purpose, and joy in motherhood. Get Brooke McGlothlin’s new book at!”