Five Minute Friday Familiar

The smell of bacon, eggs, and potatoes being fried up on a Saturday morning. A smoke alarm that buzzes every time the oven is opened that also served as a signal that it was time to get up and eat breakfast. These are memories from my childhood. A warm mug of hot cocoa, a well-loved book- these are all memories that come to mind as I think of the word familiar. My children’s favorite nursery rhymes and songs, the sound of them pretending to be cats or dogs as they frolic in their imaginative play. The weight of their sleeping bodies on my lap; the sound of their laughter- these are the sights and sounds of my ordinary life. A favorite Bible verse, a familiar hymn, asking God’s blessing through prayer before meals and at bed time. These are moments that are familiar to me, and I pray that they will be fond memories that my children have as adults.



3 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday Familiar

    • rosebudmama says:

      Yes, I just need to remember that there is sacred in the ordinary. I sometimes think that moments have to be big to be sacred. Thank you for stopping by.


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